invest in africa

across Africa, entrepreneurs are working their way out of poverty

On small farms, in small businesses, they face the same challenges as entrepreneurs anywhere else in the world — how to make their ideas profitable.

Most small businesses struggle to access advice, finance and markets, regardless of their location, but the challenge is so much greater in Africa. Cut off from banks, from education, from mentoring, they face the ultimate business challenge.

You can help.

Invest in Africa in 2016 by supporting Self Help Africa’s work with these entrepreneurs.

For just $25 a month, you can help us to mentor a small business to profitability. A once off donation would also be welcome.

Behind each entrepreneur is a family. By investing in her business, you’re investing in her family’s future.

*You may also choose to make a recurring contribution of a different amount.

Your first donation will be processed within 24hrs. Subsequent donations will be processed monthly at roughly the same time of month as your initial contribution.

You may cancel or alter your recurring donation at any time by contacting Self Help Africa by email


or phone +1 212 206 0847.